Advertising Sales
Our display ads offer the best value around. Check out the prices below and fill out the booking form to bee in it.
Community Calendar
If you’ve got a special event, workshop, expo or festival happening in FNQ then this is the place to let people know.
A to ZEN Directory
Be part of this local holistic directory in FNQ. Everything you need for your health and well-being is listed here.
Special Offers
We have a couple of very special features to offer you. The Therapy Feature and the Cover Artists Feature.
Ad Options

Ad Booking
Advertising Submissions
Advertisements are to be supplied to specifications including being the correct size.
To ensure accurate reproduction of artwork or advertising layouts please submit your file as PDF /JPEG /TIF files.
ALL IMAGES MUST BE SUPPLIED AT A MINIMUM OF 300 DPI. We cannot guarantee quality reproduction of supplied digital images.
If you require our design services, please advise us at the time of booking.
An artwork fee of 10% will be charged for ads not approved by specifications .
PROOFING: Proofs are supplied via email prior to printing each issue only where we design your advertisement.
A–ZEN Directory
No more struggle to find those alternative, natural and complementary therapies and services, readers and organic options.
Building the holistic directory of FNQ.
Listings are online + print. $100 for a whole year – our Annual Edition.
Pay for 2 listings and get a third listing for free!
HEADING: (What do you want to be listed under?)
LINE 1: Business Name
LINE 2: Address or promo catch phrase
LINE 3: Phone and Region
LINE 4: Website or email
Please also send in your logo or copyright covered image to go with your listing online.
Therapy Feature:
In our first Annual Edition we will feature 6 different types of therapies and therapists. You receive a horizontal 1/4 page to include a picture and text for $300.
Cover Artist Feature:
We appreciate each and every artist we’ve featured on our covers over the past 20 years – 173 covers! That’s a lot of artists!
Our 20 Year Anniversary Edition features 30 different covers over our time. You can come and see all 173 Editions on display at the Health, Happiness & Harmony Expo – Sunday 5th May 2024.