Crystal Feature


I love Mookaite, as it is only found in WA (the Kennedy Ranges near Gascoyne) making it quite rare in the rest of the world, but relatively common in Australia.. Being of “our land” it seems to works really well with our bodies, help us find that “Common Ground” within. It’s name means “flowing water” in one of the three local aboriginal languages. Energetically this gem is tied to the “Dreamtime. It is very diverse in colour, but mostly in Earth tones of browns, yellows and reds.

Mookaite strengthens our connection with the Earth and helps us understand what it needs to heal. It helps us tune into the Earth’s electromagnetic field, and offers the medicine of personal power and willpower, keeping us feeling young with a zest for life, adventure and discovery.

It is a nurturing stone, bringing peace and a feeling of wholeness and it supports and sustains us during times of stress, relieving anxious thoughts and emotions, as it releases toxic and negative energies, bringing well-being.  The immune system is strengthened, wounds healed and the blood purified, slowing the aging process (who doesn’t want that). Mookaite is grounding and helps us with decision making, especially when we are having a difficult time. As a Jasper which all mean “self nurture” it will help you stay in tune with yourself to live your best life, and Mookaite is specifically physical healing, so will assist with whatever ails you as well as offer protective energies and dispel negativeity.  We have it in many forms at the Crystal Ball, from small tumble stones to larger items and jewellery.

Reviewed by Angi from the Crystal Ball Bookstore, Cairns