Cover Artist: Jeanette Sellwood
Cover Title: Mermaid Magic
Medium: Pastel

Featured article: The Tao of Yin and Yang

The Chinese have long been known as the ‘middle kingdom’ and their philosophy is very clear on the laws of nature and how to lead a life of harmony and balance. Taoism is not a religion, but literally translated it means ‘The Way’ and was discovered by dedicated monks observing and meditating on nature. Taoism sees man as a vulnerable creature within the grand scheme of things and suggests that our best hope for survival is to live in harmony with the natural forces that formed us as well as our environment. Birth and death are regarded as transitions from one realm of existence to another rather than as absolute beginnings and endings.

Without knowing the order of the universe it is fruitless to talk about life or truth in human existence. From the beginning creation has been controlled by two important life forces: one spiralling downwards and inwards – yang; the other radiating upwards and outwards – yin. On earth yang manifests as gravity, yin as the sun. The first condenses and solidifies matter to form the material world; the second raises the vibrational level of matter and provides the life force on which all living entities depend for their growth and development. The earth is in constant interplay with the two, the downward and the upward, contracting and expanding, darkness and light, expressed by the Chinese as yin and yang. This interplay creates the ebb and flow of all our natural cycles and can be seen in all aspects of human life and endeavours.

By means of the downward force the ego is brought into full incarnation through birth and childhood to adulthood. At this stage the downward energy becomes progressively exhausted and the upstream takes over, eventually taking the ego back to the spiritual realm at death. During life the individual is faced with finding a balance between these two forces.

The downward force tends to direct people’s attention entirely to the physical world and its materialism, to the detriment of their spirituality. The upward stream draws people to focus purely on the spiritual life, which can make them unrealistic and escapist, whereas in fact our destiny can only be fulfilled through operating in this material world.

The more the ego tries to use its own resources to progress materially, the more cut off it becomes from its true spiritual task. This is the stage we are at today; we have made huge technical advances but the majority are unaware of their real role in the scheme of evolution. Humanity and the environment are in a state of disharmony, which is expressed in individuals as unhappiness, dis-ease and chronic illness, and in society as crime, warfare and destruction of our ecology. We need to understand these two forces and use them to return to a harmonious life, balanced between a strong spiritual sense of purpose and considered action.

This is where the Taoist concept of ‘wu-wei’, or ‘sitting still, doing nothing’, comes in. It does not mean withdrawing from any action but rather doing only those things that really need to be done and doing them in a way that does not run counter to the natural order of Tao. It means engaging in spontaneous, unpremeditated activity, doing things for their own sake rather than for ulterior motives, and living in harmony with nature. Wu-wei means knowing when to stop rather than overdoing things, and when to refrain from inappropriate action. Meditation in Taoist tradition involves a conscious effort to completely empty the mind rather than fill it with intellectual profundities. Meditation is described as a process of becoming familiar with one’s own structure as a human being. The resulting calm and mental clarity reflects the Tao like a mirror, and allows spontaneous actions and insights to arise.

By Frank Burton

Regular article: Curlew – Alignment

Noises in the night! Why is it that after endlessly tossing and turning, drifting in and out of restless and uneasy sleep, you finally drop off and your victory is shattered by noises in the night? Who or what could it be?

It’s the night caller Curlew with a message for all who rouse to his shrill call.

Curlew works the night shift and by day finds a safe place to blend into the environment. He is cleverly camouflaged by feathers that match the colour of leaf litter on the Aussie bush floor. His earthy tones make him almost invisible; only the vigilant will spot him.

Our well-hidden Curlew can take to the air when required. He flies well but prefers to find his needs fulfilled while grounded upon Mother Earth. His body, neck and legs are long and slender. However, by day he will draw his extremities close to his body to appear small and squat. Then when Curlew greets nightfall, he extends his body to an almost athletic stature, primed and ready to act.

To the unsuspecting, Curlew’s unusual call of the night can be a startling experience. As you attempt to catch your breath, heart racing with shock waves running up your spine, he grabs your attention with another shrill call that will sound like a woman screaming in the darkness of night. It’s a very unique and daunting call for such an elusive Aussie bird.

To cross paths with Curlew you will need to move away from the bright city lights. If you do catch a glimpse of a pair at rest they are unmoving; they sit or stand with the stillness of a statue. After a few moments a third bird may come to your attention – so well has he mastered his camouflage that he fades in and out of this earthly world.

It’s not possible to pull the blanket over your head and ignore Curlew’s call. If he has come to your hand today through the cards he will continue to call until you heed his message.

When I extend my body at night my receptors are open,” Curlew tells you. “I connect with the All-Knowing to receive guidance that I need for my life.”

Do as Curlew does: pause and be still, go within and listen. The still of the night opens you to a whole new world where Spirit calls. At night when your mind shuts down from your daily stress Curlew and Spirit will call; it is the night when stillness and silence exist that they are strongest. “I call to you now,” says Curlew, “to tell you the time has come to connect to Spirit, call upon my medicine to help you align to the change you are experiencing right now.”

Curlew speaks of endings. “My presence is about the ending of a cycle.” He asks you to consider the new cycle you are about to step into. Are you about to start a new stage of your life or are you perhaps close to someone approaching the end of their earth walk? Curlew medicine brings your attention to the need to prepare by aligning to new energy and circumstances.

I am the Spirit of the night, and those who know have no fear of my call. I also bring your awareness to your fear in relation to connecting to your Spirit world. Seek out the joy and sense of belonging that Spirit offers you.” The more familiar you become to Curlew’s call the more comfortable you will be with the new energy that surrounds you now. “Spirit is the same,” says Curlew. “If you need reassurance, ask for a Light Worker to appear in order to teach you to connect to your Guides and Angels, or perhaps a healer to assist your understanding of the message behind my calling.”

Curlew reassures. “Let Spirit light your path and help you through the crossroads you face right now. The physical change will unsettle you only as long as you fear and resist it. Call upon me in the silence of the night and I will help your energy align to surrender.”

© Susan & Trevor O’Sullivan 2009

Ph Susan 0417 730 313
