Edition 167 – Children



Welcome to the 167th edition of Connect Magazine North Qld for December 2022 and January/February 2023 with the theme of Children.

Our Development as Children by Jo Mojo discusses those important first seven years of childhood on page 11. And if you’re after some thoughts on Children and Divorce there’s an article by Geraldine Zadkiel on page 20 that looks at a couple of different options that may appeal to your children.
I really enjoyed A Note to My 13-year-old self, by Lauren Joy Wilson on pages 16 and 17. What a great exercise to do!
Flower Mandalas and Earth Altars by Holli Scius on page 18 shares a glimpse into the healing art of flower mandalas, an activity we all can enjoy with what nature provides for us.
This edition the therapy feature we delve into is EMDR by Ella Shannon on pages 26 and 27.
And of course we have all our fabulous Regular Features covering many topics including recipes, gardening, essential oils, herbs, astrology, feng shui, animal medicine, book reviews, and of course the insightful Siddha Stories.
Our CommUnity Calendar highlights some special events in the region and on pages 24 and 25 you’ll find our Regular Classes Guide is back, helping you find when and where classes are on.
Our A – ZEN Directory in the back of the mag and online, aims to make it easy for you to find complementary and alternative therapists, services and products.