20 Year Anniversary Annual Edition

Edition #172

Welcome to the 172nd edition of Connect Magazine North Qld. Wow that’s a lot of magazines! I’ve calculated that over the 20 years we’ve distributed approximately half a million copies of Connect!
The journey of the magazine has been laced with synchronisities and this edition is no different. Edition 172 breaks down 1+7+2 = 10. The number of completion and wholeness.

I want to thank all that have contributed to the magazine over the years. In this edition I have added two of my favourite and most famous interviews over the years and of course you’ll find all your favourite regular features and inspirations to keep you going until our next edition.


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The local holistic magazine of FNQ


This time of the year can be hard on your liver: alcohol, processed foods, late nights, lack of physical activity, the list goes on. But even if you are consistently health conscious and mostly avoid rubbish foods, drugs and alcohol, your liver is still under constant pressure to detoxify 


Mulla Nasrudin was walking along a lonely road one moonlit night when he heard a snore, somewhere, it seemed, underfoot. Suddenly he was afraid, and was about to run when he tripped over a dervish lying in a cell which he had dug for himself, partly underground.

Astrology - Dec, Jan, Feb

We share the same Sun and planetary influences; we share the same Earth; Sky, Land and Oceans and Human Genetics.  Yes, we do indeed live on common ground. With the Aquarian frequencies pouring in now, individuals we may be, but we are all parts of the whole, the holographic Universe.  


Spearmint is one of those essential oils that people generally don’t know what to do with so tend not to experiment with it.  A popular flavour in toothpaste and lollies, it is similar to peppermint, but less powerful due to the lower menthol content.


Mookaite is only found in WA (the Kennedy Ranges near Gascoyne) making it quite rare in the rest of the world, but relatively common in Australia. Being of “our land” it seems to works really well with our bodies, help us find that “Common Ground” within. It’s name means “flowing water” 

Gardening - Pigeon Pea

A legume, wood shrub or small tree, 1-4m tall with a deep taproot to 2m. Young stems are angled and pubescent. Flowers are usually yellow and purple with red streaks or plain red. Seeds are oval to round and vary from light beige to dark brown. 

Vegan Recipes

As we are tapping into the theme of, Common Ground in this edition, I would love to share the following recipe for cultural collaboration. This beautiful dessert is nice and refreshing on a hot summer’s day. They can be a great companion for other types of desserts for everyone! 

Feng Shui

The theme for this magazine is common ground.  I wondered what to write about this very powerful yet unassuming word, furthermore, writing from a feng shui perspective gave me some challenges. Here’s the thing, in our everyday life finding the common ground helps us humans realise we are

Animal - Scarab

Scarabs are a family of beetles that are found in every land across the world except Antarctica. Although it can be tempting to dismiss such a familiar creature, if we look closely at the Scarabs in our backyard, we will discover they are anything but mundane!



Kindness crew of FNQ

Spread kindness throughout the community in a variety of fun and unique ways.